Logos dystrybucja


Opinion Policy

§1 General provisions

  1. This Opinion Policy governs the rules for adding, publishing and verifying opinions regarding products or services offered by the Website Owner.
  2. The owner of the Website at https://logos-branding.com/ is Bartosz Urbański, conducting business activity under the name FHU Logos Dystrybucja Bartosz Urbański, Jana III Sobieskiego 1a, 34-300 Żywiec. The business activity is entered in the Central Register and Information on Business Activity under the NIP number: 5531072443, REGON 240968187.

§2 Definitions

  1. Consumer – a natural person concluding a legal transaction with an entrepreneur that is not directly related to his or her business or professional activity (definition based on Art. 221 of the Civil Code).
  2. Civil Code – Act of 23 April 1964 – Civil Code (Journal of Laws 1964 No. 16 item 93).
  3. Opinion Policy – ​​this document.
  4. Product – any goods or services within the meaning of Art. 2, point 3 of the Act on Counteracting Unfair Market Practices; The Product is paid for, unless otherwise indicated.
  5. Website – internet service available at https://logos-branding.com/.
  6. Social media – accounts or profiles maintained on social networking sites, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn.
  7. Opinion – subjective statements of Users published on the Website by the Website Owner under the terms of this Opinion Policy.
  8. Act on Combating Unfair Market Practices – Act of 23 August 2007
  9. Digital service – a service that allows the Customer to: a) generate, process, store or access data in digital form, b) share data in digital form that has been sent or generated by the consumer or other users of the service, c) otherwise interact using such data.
  10. Electronic service – a service provided electronically via the Store; a service within the meaning of Art. 2, point 4 of the Act on the provision of services by electronic means.
  11. User – any natural person visiting the Website or using one or more services or functionalities described in the Policy.
  12. Owner of the Service – Bartosz Urbański, conducting business activity under the name of FHU Logos Dystrybucja Bartosz Urbański, Jana III Sobieskiego 1a, 34-300 Żywiec. The business activity is entered into the Central Register and Information on Business Activity under the NIP number: 5531072443, REGON 240968187

§3 Rules for publishing opinions

  1. Opinions about Products or Services posted by Consumers are publicly available. The Owner of the Service publishes verified and/or unverified opinions. Verified opinions are additionally and legibly marked as verified.
  2. The Website publishes positive, neutral and negative opinions.
  3. The authors of the opinion are:
    • people who purchased the Product or Service
    • persons who received the Product or Service without paying
    • persons using the Product or Service
    • persons who received the Product or Service under a barter agreement or other agreement
  4. The Owner places on the Website Opinions published by Users originating directly from the Website, as well as published on social media or other websites.
  5. Opinions posted on the Website are independent and not sponsored.
  6. By publishing an Opinion, the User grants the Owner of the Website free consent to use, distribute and publish the posted Opinion together with the data of its author.

§4 Verification of Opinions

  1. Opinions are published by the Website Owner after their prior verification.
  2. Users can share their opinions using, among others: a form on the website, a comment under the offered Product or Service.
  3. Verification of Opinions takes place, among others, through direct contact with the User to thank them for their opinion; by sending Users a dedicated link to leave an opinion; by logging in to the Service using the Account through which the purchase was made.
  4. In case of doubt as to whether the opinion comes from a person using the Products or Service of the Website Owner, the opinion will not be published as verified.
  5. The published opinions are intended to present the benefits associated with using the Products or Services of the Website Owner, which benefits have been noticed by previous Users.
  6. The Owner of the Website does not use sponsored or bartered opinions.

§5 Publishing, modifying and deleting Opinions

  1. The opinion is published in the form in which it was provided by the Consumer, i.e. it is not edited, shortened or modified.
  2. An opinion will be modified or deleted when:
    • is contrary to the law or good customs,
    • violates or restricts the rights of third parties,
    • is false or misleading,
    • contains malicious software or files,
    • contains stylistic, spelling and grammatical errors,
    • applies to a Product or Service that is not available for sale

§6 Complaints

  1. The User may file a complaint regarding the posting of Opinions in electronic form to the e-mail address contact@logos-branding.com or in writing to the address Jana III Sobieskiego 1a, 34-300 Żywiec in accordance with the template in Annex No. 1.
  2. All complaints are considered immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of submission of the complaint.

§7 Responsibility

  1. Users are solely responsible for the Opinions they publish.

§8 Changes to the Privacy Policy

  1. 1. The policy is constantly verified and updated.
  2. 2. The current version of the Policy has been adopted and is effective from 2024-10-03.

§9 Final provisions

  1. The latest version of the Opinion Policy is published on the Website.
  2. In order to continuously improve the Opinion verification process, the Website Owner regularly updates the Opinion Policy.

Annex No. 1.


Fill out the form if you wish to make a complaint regarding a posted opinion.

Date and city:

Your name:
Your address:
Your email:
Your phone:

FHU Logos Distribution Bartosz Urbański
Jana III Sobieskiego 1a
34-300 Żywiec

Acting on my own behalf, I hereby inform that the Opinion visible on the Website is inconsistent with the facts.

The inconsistency of the Opinion with the factual situation consists in:

The non-compliance was noted on:

Due to the above, I am asking you to:

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